The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips

Learning From Losses | The FRONT (Live!)



Do you learn when you lose? High School Football season is back! I love this time of year. Connecting with other parents, having pride in watching all of our kids play. And like each of the players, and other fans that are cheering for our team - I WANT THEM TO WIN! Our oldest son’s football team suffered their first loss of the season yesterday. It was against a team that is very good, they were rated better. But, our team played phenomenally! As parents, fans, and even the coaches - we want to see them excel, even when it means sometimes we don’t take home the “W” After the game, certainly our boys were upset, that happens, because in the moment, that WIN is the most important thing to them. As parents, we can see past the one game. One of the coaches and I were talking after the game and we both agreed, better to take a loss now early in the season, and really learn from it - with the hopes to take home a bunch more wins! See as long as you learn from a loss, you