

Visiting Mexico with kids is great. Living in San Miguel de Allende with kids seems to be even better. Bryan and Scottie Elliot have been travelers for a while, but they've now based themselves in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico with their son, Elijah. San Miguel de Allende with Kids After stints in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, the Elliot family decided to move on to Mexico, and have discovered that living in San Miguel de Allende with kids is a very nice thing indeed. Listen in as we talk about living in San Miguel de Allende with kids, as well as travel gear, time management and work routines, as well as the merits of owning less and buying better. IN THIS EPISODE 04:50 Intro & origins 10:08 The "Muse" and the the Four-Hour Workweek book 12:10 Time Management when parenting & building a business 16:25 Why they chose San Miguel de Allende 20:00 Living and learning Spanish in San Miguel 26:48 Gear and packing advice 36:33 Buying quality gear when you only have a few things 38:43 Don't let having t