

Family RV living was once considered something not done by choice, but more and more families are choosing this live for a year or much longer. FAMILY RV LIVING For the Gebbia family, it started out as a joke. Then they realized: "hey, we can really do this!" Since then, they've left their home in Florida (USA) and have driven across the United States and elsewhere. Together Chris and Heather Gebbia work and homeschool their two sons as they take in more of the country than many of its citizens. Listen in as we discuss working and family RV living, including how they work, how they homeschool, how their kids socialize and make friends, as well as many of the items in their rig and the apps, websites and other resources they use to make their family RV life work IN THIS EPISODE 05:48 Intro 09:07 Full-time Families 11:14 Benefits & Challenges of full-time RV Travel 14:56 Cell/Data coverage 16:07 Their work and working online on the road 23:00 Their homeschooling style & socializing as an RV family 31:5