

Like the podcast? Please consider subscribing, and leaving us an honest rating and review. We'd totally appreciate it, and it helps other people find us when they search iTunes. Have a family travel story or question to share? Then contact us!  Nervous about international travel with a baby? Don't be. In today's podcast, veteran family travel blogger Sharon Gourlay is here to tell you that it's possible. In addition, she says that international travel with a baby not as hard as you think, and it's totally worth the effort. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL WITH A BABY This is not Sharon's first experience with international travel with a baby. However, it is her first try at international travel with a baby this young (four months). In her second appearance on Epic Education Radio, Sharon talks about new family travel experiences. For example, she talks about new places they've visited, and how her daughter and son have developed as traveling children as they've grown older. In addition to discussing international travel