

Holiday family travel with a drone? Intense, perhaps, but rewarding. That's one of the ways the Wagar family gets the most out of their journeys. Here Kevin Wagar shares his experience. ::: If you like what you’re hearing, then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so rating/reviewing Epic Education Radio the #1 way to help others find us. Thank you! ::: EER083: Holiday Family Travel with a Drone & More Many Epic Education Radio guests travel for extended periods of time. Some are gap year travelers, slow travelers or other long-term travelers. Others are trying round-the-world travel or living abroad. However, you don't have to sell everything and leave town to experience meaningful family travel. Previous guests like Cliff Hsia, Mark Wyld, Eric Stoen all have homes, jobs and kids in school, but when they travel, they make the most of it. The Wagars do something similar, balancing work, schools, and sports teams wh