

Overland travel in South America can be one of the best ways to see the continent. This week's guest, Jennifer Sparks, has a lot to say about traveling overland in South America with kids, as well as family travel in Mexico, Central America, and elsewhere. ::::::: If you like what you’re hearing, then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so rating/reviewing Epic Education Radio the #1 way to help others find us. Thank you! :::::::: Overland Travel in South America with Kids Like earlier guests the Baid family, Jennifer Sparks loves overland travel. So much so, that they're taken two incredible trips. The first was driving from Europe through many parts of Africa. Years later, with their young son, they embarked on an equally ambitious plan: driving from the arctic circle deep into South America. This time however, there were three passengers. In this Epic Education Interview, Jennifer and I talk about many nuts-and-bol