Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER093: Worldschooling 101—A Gap Year Family Documents the Adventure



What's worldschooling? What's a gap year family? Read on and you'll find out...and hopefully consider both for you and your kids, as well!   A Gap Year Family, a Lesson in Worldschooling Meet the Kraymoores. That's Charlie Kramer and Brenna Moore. Charlie and Brenna have two kids, they're doing what many a gap year family are doing: pulling their kids out of school for a year (or more) to travel. So far, the Kraymoores have visited multiple destinations in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, and are now in Asia.   What is Worldschooling? As the name suggests, worldschooling is all about using the world as your school. You don't have to travel internationally...or travel at all to practice worldschooling. But it helps! For Charlie and Brenna's kids so far, worldschooling means learning about Anne Frank at the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam, and learning about the Massai people in Kenya. Worldschooling can also happen in conventional schools, as well, as you'll hear about in the interview. A Gap Year Family Pl