Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER098: Flying with Children and Living in Perth with Kids



Flying with Children. Living in Perth with kids. Quokka selfies and Icelandic hot dogs! Just a few things covered in this week's episode. ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so when you rate and review us, you help others find us. Thank you! :::   Flying with Children and Living in Perth with Kids Meet Amanda Kendle. She's a travel blogger and podcaster. She's also a single parent traveler living in Perth, Australia. Ever been to Perth? It's got a lot going for it, and Amanda talks about what it's like to live in Perth with kids. She also talks about many of the places that she's traveled — both with her son and before he was born. Amanda lived in Japan for a few years and still has a lot of love for the country (I can relate). Tricks for Long-Haul Flying with Children Flying to and from just about anywhere from Perth requires a lot of hours in the air. Even within Australia itself,