Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER105: Day Trading and Travel & the Cost of Living in Mexico with Kids



EER105: Day Trading and Travel & the Cost of Living in Mexico with Kids Day trading and travel. The cost of living in Mexico with kids. Childbirth overseas and a day in the life of a digital nomad family in Guanajuato, Mexico. These are just a few things covered in this week's episode of Epic Education Radio. Pregnancy, Travel & the Cost of Living in Mexico Meet the Luxpats. Once living as expats in Luxembourg, David Keys and Sarah Beaudette have lived in South Africa, Thailand, Croatia and elsewhere, while traveling to many neighboring countries. Now they are based in Guanajuato, Mexico — partly because of the proximity to family in the United States, and partly because of the cost of living in Mexico. In this episode, we talk about the cost of living in Mexico and what it's like to living in Mexico with kids. At the time of recording, David and Sarah had only one child: three-year-old Spencer. Soon, however, Spencer will be joined by a sibling and his sibling will be born in Mexico. Because of the h