Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER111: From Three Years in Peru with Kids to One Year of Family Travel



From three years in Peru with kids to one year of family travel around the world. We're talking to the Cannon family today from Myanmar. We talk travel gear, education on the road and much more. ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so when you rate and review us, you help others find us. Thank you! :::   From Three Years in Peru with Kids to One Year of Family Travel Meet Aaron and Melania Cannon from Manitoba, Canada. After three years living and working in Peru with kids, they left South America for one year of family travel. IN this Epic Education Radio interview, we discuss travel habits, homeschooling resources, tips on money management and travel with teens and tweens. Travel gear, favorite destinations, and insight into travel in Myanmar with kids are also covered.  Tune in! And please share! IN THIS EPISODE 01:57 Intro 04:01 Habits and routines 07:06 Homeschooling resources 1