Epic Education Radio: Family Travel Podcast For Parents Who Like Nomadic Matt, Rick Steves, Tim Ferriss & John Lee Dumas

EER126: Family RV Travel in Europe with Kids — Motorhome Travel in the EU



Family RV travel in Europe...with kids? Why not? In today's episode of Epic Education Radio, we talk exploring Europe by motorhome, while homeschooling and building a business along the way! ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so when you rate and review us, you help others find us. Thank you! ::: Family RV Travel in Europe with Kids Many people want to explore Europe with kids. Many others want to try RV travel in Europe. For Will and Jessica Suero, they combined the two to have the best (and the rest) of both worlds! A lot has happened to the Sueros since we last talked in 2016. After living in Costa Rica and Ecuador, they were planning to move to France. Fast forward to today, and they've left their home in France, and have begun to settle into RV travel in Europe with kids. For the next two years! Homeschooling & Building a Business while Living in an RV What's it like homes