

EER127: Adding Cultural Experiences to Family Travel Cultural experiences make family travel richer. Whether it's cooking classes or celebrating a local holiday, there's something about incorporating cultural experiences into family travel that makes it all more meaningful. Today I talk with Becky Morales from Kid World Citizen about cultural education and how to add cultural experiences to family travel. ::: Like what you’re hearing? Then please subscribe, rate & review Epic Education Radio. We would be extremely grateful! iTunes is a search engine as well, and so when you rate and review us, you help others find us. Thank you! ::: Adding Cultural Experiences to Family Travel Becky's exploration of other cultures started when she was a child with an adopted brother and sister from Peru. Visiting the country and growing up with siblings from another place helped put her on a path of cultural experiences that continues to this day. Today she has a family of seven, which includes two biological kids and thr