Revolutionary Spirituality




Kamori Cattadoris, founder of Ancient Traditions, began her spiritual quest at the tender age of 7 when she realized that she could not accept what the nuns and priests were preaching about God and Jesus and the Bible at the Catholic church and school she attended. Her very interesting journey led her to found Ancient Traditions, a gathering that meets weekly at the Woman's Club of Spokane, WA. Ancient Traditions promotes the balanced development of both Mind and Heart through action in the midst of life. The primary aim of the curriculum is to de-program the Mind from the prison of anxiety-based delusions and polarized beliefs, while at the same time, learning to restore the Mind's curious, open state, in order to receive Wisdom from the Heart. While religions require adherence to prescribed beliefs, Ancient Traditions instead turns within to where one's own Inner Guide indwells. "Beliefs have their place in human development, but they hinder the unfolding of our highest potential when they do not grow and c