Spark Inspire Your Life

63: The Superwoman’s Guide to Nutrition with Taylor Stolt



Have you been wanting to change your eating habits but have no idea what to do? There are plenty of fad diets out there, and Taylor Stolt brings her expertise to help you navigate the good, the bad, and the ugly. Learn about how focusing on your entire health history can help you make smart decisions with your diet,  providing the groundwork for a more energized and vibrant lifestyle. From the Episode:   Taylor Stolt works with clients in functional medicine. She explains how doing detective work on your entire health history can help you find root causes for health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. Losing weight is a common goal, but often our efforts are working against us. Taylor speaks to common challenges she sees clients face that can lead to a lack of energy and sometimes even weight gain. She talks about when to use supplements and where to buy (and not) buy them. When grocery shopping, pay more attention to the ingredients list than the claims on the front of the container.  Keto is a hu