Spark Inspire Your Life

68 - Treat Your Gut Right with Taylor Stolt



It’s time to talk about guts. Taylor is back this week to join Angela in an in-depth conversation about gut health and why it should matter to you. This episode will provide you with an understanding of the importance of the gut and walk you through how this one area of your body has a big impact on your immune system as well as your emotions.    From the Episode: Taylor gives us an overview on what she does as a certified LEAP therapist and how she helps clients with food sensitivities. Leaky Gut?! It sure sounds icky, but Taylor walks us through what it is and why we should care. We always provide solutions. Taylor talks us through the “Five R Protocol” which guides you through ways to remedy a leaky gut. Did you know the majority of your immune system is in your gut?  Hormone imbalances are often an issue of diet or leaky gut.  The brain and your gut have an intimate relationship.  Your sugar addiction is often not a willpower issue. It could be the bugs in your gut. Hot Topic Alert: Gluten. Taylor gives