Creating Space With Christine Kathryn

EP15: Creating Space to Listen w/Hilary Johnson of Hatch Tribe



In this episode, I welcome my very inspiring guest Hilary Johnson, author and founder of Hatch Tribe, a community devoted to giving women the opportunity to grow their talents, while developing strong connections with their peers. Hilary shares with us how she fulfills her personal mission to help women entrepreneurs become better versions of their current business selves. She takes us through parts of her path that have led her to where she is today beginning with her bold move to leave her comfortable corporate job for the epic highs & lows of entrepreneurship - which she lovingly refers to as 'the single biggest growth experience you will have' and a 'journey that is well worth it' - to founding and selling multiple business pursuits. Hilary shares with us her big 'aha' moment around the concept of failure and the importance of intentionally creating your own personal Board of Directors to keep you sane and on track in your biz. She shares her ambitious vision for her company to serve one million women