Ask A House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips

Should I Call Out Sick or Show Up to Clean?



Should you call out sick? Nobody wants a sick house cleaner reverse speed cleaning through their house. And you don't have to be a clean guru to know when a maid should call out sick. If the housekeeper is sick he/she will transfer germs and then everybody gets ill. Angela Brown in her maid service training gives tips to call out sick when you're contagious. Sick housekeeper = sick household. Ask a House Cleaner about rules and regulations and a Savvy Cleaner will avoid a sick house and stay away if a sick maid. Today's sponsors are My Cleaning Connection (a resource hub for all things cleaning.) where house cleaners can list their businesses and get more customers. And Savvy Cleaner Training for house cleaners and maids.   *** COMPLETE SHOW NOTES FOR THIS EPISODE *** *** MORE VIDEOS LIKE THIS *** Late, Absent, Running Behind Schedule - My Maid is Late Again! - Self-Motivation for House Cleaners Who Have None - http