Ever Forward Radio

EFR 091: Why You Can't Stick to Your Diet with Erin Wathen



Growing up in a beach town in California, Erin Wathen was always an active kid, competed on sports teams in high school, and taught aerobics in college. She has run 1/2 marathons, finished a Tough Mudder and many 6 hour Spin rides for Charity. A graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and a Food Addiction Counselor (INFACT), Erin is also a Certified Spinning® Instructor (STAR 3), Vinyasa Yoga instructor (200 Hour) and Classical Pilates instructor. Even with all of her knowledge and exercise, she still was not at peace with her own body. Erin found nutrition to be the missing piece of the puzzle, as she was always on a diet and yet never at her goal weight. Through a lot of trial and error, she found her last diet. The last diet became her food plan and the basis of her book “Why Can’t I Stick to My Diet? : How To End The Food Drama”. Erin's philosophy simply put; Health isn’t a number on the scale or how often we exercise, but our lives as whole. Together we will work on solutions that fit i