Ever Forward Radio

EFR 099: How to Stand Up For Yourself Without Being a D*ck with Amy E. Smith



More often than not, on the road to enlightenment or self-discovery or hell... just trying to be a decent human being we are met with those whom think our sh*t don't stink. Or feel offended by the way we choose to now live our life (or at least try to). Granted, some of this may simply because that person is not ready to do the work and make the change like we are, but other times it is our own ignorance in how to effectively convey our meaning, our true self, and our honest intent.  Meet Amy E. Smith. She spent years finding her voice. Burried under other people’s thoughts and opinions and notions about who she should and shouldn’t be. Amy spent years as a damn-near SLAVE (drama intended) to highly restrictive religious dogma that constantly reminded her why she wasn’t enough. She was motivated by two primary things: Guilt and fear. Fear of losing salvation. Fear of not fitting in. Fear of rocking the boat. Fear of speaking her truth and losing relationships. Guilt around following her intuition when it was