Ask A House Cleaner | Angela Brown | Savvy Cleaner | House Cleaning Tips

Barter - Should House Cleaners Barter, Trade and Swap?



Barter, trade, and swap are all terms we’ve heard but have you ever thought of barter as an option to grow your business? Today on Ask a House Cleaner we look at the art of barter. Swapping and trade are a great way to fill cancellation slots from cleaning clients. The House Cleaning Guru, Angela Brown shows us the difference between direct trades and reciprocal trades. And she'll tell you how to get barter vouchers when you don’t need the product or service being swapped. If your business needs a jolt of creativity, consider swapping house cleaning for web design. Or search engine optimization or the creation of a logo, or so many other business things. Learn how to grow your cleaning business with promotions from barter script. Oh, and did you know you can also watch this series on YouTube? It’s true. Hooray! This show was sponsored by Savvy Cleaner - House Cleaner Training and Certification. Complete show notes for this episode found at  Follow Savvy Cleaner for tip