Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#022 Laurie Andrews // Teen marriage, raising 5 kids, and treating anxiety with nuerofeedback



I'm so so excited to share the interview with my dear friend Laurie! She and I met in college, but I was actually friends with her husband FIRST. We may chat a little bit more about her love story than I normally would with others, because I was THERE for it! It's a great story!  Laurie grew up in a very small town on a Hawaiian Island with 2000 people, but is raising her family in Montana--how fun is that?? I loved hearing about her growing up years, and We also talked a lot about how she was a teenager bride, what her parents thought about that, and what they think NOW, after they've been married 19 years.  I'm grateful Laurie was willing to talk about Nuerofeedback Therapy as a treatment for Anxiety, because I really think others hearing this will find it helpful. I'm quite fascinated by it myself! Listen along to this episode to hear all about her life, parenting, and of course a discussion on electronics and social media with teens. She also shares about a late pregnancy mis-carriage, and how she and her