Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#027 Jennifer Dial // Widowed Mom and Being a Soft Place to Land



I knew before I recorded my conversation with Jennifer that it would go over my 1 hour intended goal for each episode. I've watched her raise her family for nearly 16 years, weather life's storms, and I knew she would have so many great things to share.  Her youngest of 6 kids just graduated high school, and she now also has 4 small grandchildren from her older kids, and she has so much wisdom and perspective. As you can see from the title, she is also a widow, and we discuss her husband passing away 8 years ago, and how she has parented before and after that time.  Yes, she is a widowed mom, but she is so much more than that. She talks about how her life's experiences have blessed her to be less judgemental and love more, and can't we all do that a little bit more? I loved hearing about her growing up in an unconventional parenting situation with a corporate working mom, cop dad, and full time Nanny Maria from across the boarder.  She is someone that I've always seen as an intentional mother, and to watch th