Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#033 Jason Harwood // Co-parenting with Kindness and Flexibility



Jason is a father to 7, co-parenting with 3 households. He wears many hats, including hosting his own podcast. We chat about when he interviewed me, as well as his other jobs, mainly as father. "Adjust while staying SOLID to core principles." This is the insight I really loved when Jason described parenting teens. Flexibility, all parents have to have it! Sometimes, you have to go deeper than "because I said so." Explaining the WHY you feel so passionately is important not just in a co-parenting situation, but important in life anyway, if we want our kids to really understand WHY we have the rules that we have.  Of course we talked about technology, including phones in a cupboard, UNPLUGGING, and turning off Notifications. A few favorite quotes from our chat: Begin with the end in mind. Are you helping the problem or adding to the problem? There's no situation so bad that complaining about it won't make it worse.  Men often have the same self doubt struggles as women, but will exhibit different behaviors to