Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#035 Ralphie Jacobs // On Purpose Parenting



Ralphie has spent the last several years doing intensive research on positive parenting, and now shares her knowledge with parents thirsty for the information.  My two favorite parts of our conversation were when I asked how we know if our kids are "entitled" and I LOVED her answer. Another part I loved was when she spoke about making the SWITCH to positive parenting when her oldest was 10, which tells me...we don't have to have it all figured out from the beginning! I loved talking about family cultures, and so many other tidbits. After you listen, I hope you'll share in the continued discussion on my Instagram @CapturingJoy.KristenDuke Be sure to also check out Ralphie at @SimplyOnPurpose.  As always the full show notes with links will be at the Beyond Good Intentions homepage on Make sure you check out the details at the end of the episode about the content we are running the next week!