Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#060 Erin Barbee // Loving a Runaway Teen



I got an email recently from Erin saying that she loved listening to the podcast, but hoped to hear more interviews from people that were going through struggles with their kids. In her message she says, "It is depressing sometimes to listen to a podcast that's amazingly positive when you're having a hard time." I've said it before and I'll say it me or nominate someone who has a story that others can hear! Most don't feel comfortable sharing a challenge when they are in it, so let me know! "I don't have very many answers but maybe even I can offer something to your listeners," Erin shared. In our chat, she shares about how she adopted two brothers as toddlers, and in raising them, it's been much more of a challenge than anticipated. Her oldest ran away from home as a teen, cut off contact with his parents, and moved from place to place, and she has very minimal contact with him now.  Her guiding scripture: "Be Still and Know that I am God." I need that reminder that I can sit and be with my o