Healthy Living With Angela Busby - Your Health, Nutrition And Wellness Resource

1: Digestive Disorders - Causes and Treatments



In this show we explore some of the most prevalent digestive conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Food Sensitivities, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis (IBD), Coeliacs and more, identifying underlying causes which may be responsible for the onset of the condition along with natural ways you can begin to truly heal your gut from the inside out.    Show notes and resources: - Headspace - Mindfulness App - 10 mins a day for 10 days that can change your life. This app is free and Angela recommends this to her clients as a great way to slow your mind, reduce stress and practice mindfulness. - Chemical Free Cleaner Recipe: 1tsp Bicarb, 10-20 drops Eucalyptus oil, splash of white vinegar + water in a 500ml - 1l container.    3 Take Away Keys 1. Work with a trustworthy Practitioner / Naturopath 2. Repopulating the gut with good bacteria, especially after antibiotic use to re-establish a balance.  3. Use gut healing nutrients: Vitamin A, Slippery Elm, Glutamine, Marshmallow Root, Licorice Root (if you don’t ha