Healthy Living With Angela Busby - Your Health, Nutrition And Wellness Resource

18: Reduce Anxiety With Mindfulness



If you've ever experienced anxiety, stress, low moods or a lack of concentration then the tools shared in this episode can help you! This week Angela unpacks mindfulness and mindful meditation, showing us what it is and why it is such a powerful tool. Mindfulness helps to calm the mind, switching us from the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to the parasympathetic (rest & digest), bringing us back into the present moment, it teaches us not to live in the future or the past where worries and regrets take up our thoughts but rather to focus on what is happening in the present moment and allowing that to empower us to live with a beautiful peace and clarity of mind. There are also loads of practical health benefits from daily mindfulness exercises too! These include: •Lowers blood pressure •Protects your heart •Reduces pain •Reduces anxiety, stress, worry and depression •Improves sleep •Improves concentration and cognitive function •Increase creativity •Improves digestion •Helps you learn to under