Healthy Living With Angela Busby - Your Health, Nutrition And Wellness Resource

24: Live Blood Analysis - What Your Blood Is Telling You



In this episode Angela shares her passion for and the science behind live blood analysis, what it can tell you about your current state of health and how it can assist in finding the right treatment plan for you as an individual. Just some of the things Live Blood Analysis can indicate: Liver stress Lowered immunity Presence of allergies or food sensitivities Infections Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies (ie. Magnesium, Iron, B12 +) Inflammation Increased clotting factors Impaired digestion Leaky gut Dehydration + and much more! Listen to this episode to see how Live Blood Analysis may be a valuable tool for you to utilise in your journey to outstanding health! Click Here to head to our essential Show Notes and resources now! Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review! This show is about you, the listener, so get involved and send us your feedbac