Healthy Living With Angela Busby - Your Health, Nutrition And Wellness Resource

33: Wheat - A Dangerous Grain!



In this episode Angela shares with us the very real dangers and concerns around eating commercially produced GMO wheat. Unfortunately wheat is no longer what it used to be 100 or even 50 years ago... wheat is not a natural grain, it was hybridized from spelt (an original, truly natural grain), wheat has 3 times the amount of gluten than spelt has and now in most western countries is genetically modified.   All of this contributes to wheat being a highly inflammatory grain and one the causes harm in a lot of people, whether through immediate food intolerance symptoms or as a chronic, low grade inflammation over years that can lead to disease. Listen to find out more and learn about some great, yummy wheat alternatives!   Click Here to head to our essential Show Notes and resources now!   Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher and write us a review!   This show is abo