Healthy Living With Angela Busby - Your Health, Nutrition And Wellness Resource

38: Emotions - How They Affect Your Body



Have you been trying to get well for a long time and not seen much progress? Perhaps you've tried every treatment under the sun - all of which may have worked for others but not for you. Well you are not alone and in this episode rather than looking only at physical ways to achieve healing Angela delves into the interesting world of how our emotions, memories and past traumas can affect our bodies even 30+ years later and how we can start processing these unresolved emotions and energy so that we can allow our bodies to truly heal.   Angela also shares with us a number of practical therapies that can assist with helping to shift and resolve these past emotional events so that we can live a life that is present, whole and filled with joy - with our body and mind at peace.   Click Here to head to our essential Show Notes and resources now!   Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode the best compliment you can give is a referral, so please share this with your friends and remember to subscribe on iTunes