

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates   What does this really mean? Research has shown us that many plants, including culinary herbs, contain healing phytochemcials. These are things like nutrients, vitamins & volatile oils that can greatly assist our body to heal and live in optimal health.   In this episode Angela lays down a foundation for us to understand why herbs are so good for us, how we can use plants as medicine in our day to day life. Different ways herbal medicines are prepared ie. dried herbs, poultices, tinctures & standardised extracts as well as simple ways to apply herbs topically and internally to avoid the need for pharmaceutical medications.   This is the first of a series Angela will be doing on herbs as she unlocks the keys of their amazing potential to be used for a wide range of conditions from colds and flus, hormonal imbalances, liver support and so much more! Join with us on this herbal medicine journey to health!   Click Here to head to o