Compulsory, With Kim Werker

Compulsory Podcast Episode 7: Rachael Herron



Rachael Herron is the bestselling author of the novel Splinters of Light, the five-book Cypress Hollow romance series, and the memoir, A Life in Stitches. As we discuss in the podcast, I've read Rachael's blog for about a decade. So much is my admiration for her dedication to her writing, craft, job and family that I interviewed her for my book Make It Mighty Ugly. She walks her talk, man. She walks her talk. Special for all you listeners out there, Rachael is offering her Udemy course, How to Stop Stalling and Write Your Book, free till the end of March 2015. Relevant links: Rachael Herron's website and blog Rachael on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Ravelry Rachael's books on Amazon Photo album of Rachael's #sketchdaily project To get future episodes of Compulsory immediately when they drop, subscribe to Compulsory on iTunes, Stitcher, or Soundcloud. And if you enjoy the podcast, please give it a rating or a full review, so more people can find it.