Compulsory, With Kim Werker

Mighty Creative Podcast: Episode 101 – Prerequisite Procrastination



Welcome to the new podcast! This episode is about the very thing that kept me from making the podcast for nearly three years. Prerequisite procrastination. What a pain. I put my finger on what to call this particular subspecies of procrastination during a video conversation with members of our online community (we do things like talk about the specific ways we procrastinate; you should get in on this). Listen for what this wee beast is, and what we can do to defeat it so we start making things we really want to make (like, as I said, this podcast). Show Notes Each episode this season begins with a short clip of a maker or artist talking about a recent project they were obsessed with. I recorded all of these in April of 2019 at Camp Thundercraft, a retreat for creative businesspeople held each spring and hosted by the folks behind Urban Craft Uprising. I'm very excited to be going back to teach two classes at the 2020 retreat coming up. Kicking things off is a clip of ceramicist Sean Fores