Meet Ellen: Get The Key To Health & Happiness

EP 002 Meet Ellen- GUEST Jerrmain Clarke Part 2 of 3



In the second of a three-part series called "Creator's Masterpiece," Jerrmain Clarke, lifestyle consultant and educator, talks to Meet Ellen host Marci Kenon about the effects of processed foods and excitotoxins on the body-- especially the brain.  Today’s text is from the section "Read This First" featuring The Laws Governing Our Being (p. 5) and Basic Principles (pp. 6-7) in the Harvestime Books edition of Ellen G. White's The Ministry of Healing written over 100 years ago. New Jersey-based Clarke is the director of Wilt Thou be Made Whole Ministry.  He consults individuals and conducts health seminars/expos and Medical Missionary training schools. For more information, visit the Meet Ellen website.