An Interview With Melissa Llarena

39. Chad Romzek, Entrepreneur and Inventor of the Kick Ash Basket Talks About Career Transitions and Taking a Leap of Faith



What is possible in your career? Are you ready to kick some ash? If so, then this week’s guest, Chad Romzek, will be an inspiration to you! Chad Romzek is the Creator and Owner of Kick Ash Basket® and a creative, energetic, and passionate entrepreneur specializing in solving problems with simple solutions. The underlying theme of our conversation was, start small, and start smart. Ask yourself, as you listen, how can you take small, yet smart steps to move your career forward? We also explored the topic of analysis paralysis. Rather than hold yourself, hostage, why not take a leap of faith like Chad and his wife, Tracy, did when they started Kick Ash Basket®. Chad and his wife Tracy started the Kick Ash Basket® business from their garage in Neenah, Wisconsin back in 2014 and are now supplying grill accessories all over the United States and all over the Kick Ash Planet! In 2017, Chad walked away from his Corporate America six-figure income because it just didn’t make sense to keep going back to the cubicle. N