Lyme Voice Radio, Discussing Your Lyme Disease Journey With Aaron & Sarah Sanchez

099 Lyme Literate Counselor’s (It’s true, they really do exist!)



About My Guest: Julie Parker gets the complexities of Lyme and counseling. Too many times, Lyme patients have been told their symptoms are imaginary. They've been referred to multiple specialists, had more tests run than they can count, and are told to seek psychiatric help because nothing is really wrong physically. Then, when a Lyme diagnosis is made, family and friends don't understand the disease or why treatment can make you feel worse before you get better. You can end up isolated and with minimal support. Julie Parker understands what you're going through.  Not only is she Lyme Literate (trained to help those with Lyme and other chronic illnesses), but she and family members have Lyme disease and personally know the trials of diagnosis and treatment.  Key Takeaways: Getting a diagnosis of Lyme disease is at first a relief, because you get some validation that you aren’t crazy. (2:00) Very quickly you begin to understand the reality that treating Lyme disease is a HUGE monster of a task. The treatm