An Interview With Melissa Llarena

68. The Life and Times of a Rock Star with The Former Frontman of the Jangletones Victor Hanning



Ever wonder what it’s like to live the roller coaster life of a rock star? Me too! We see it in the movies all the time. The talent and rise to fame, the chaos, the drugs, the fall. Well today you get a firsthand account from someone who has lived it! Former frontman for The Jangletones, Victor Hanning shares his powerful story of overcoming addiction, his eight-year hiatus and exile of healing, living a creative life and so much more.   The Jangletones were founded in 2008 in Malmö, Sweden. They made their mark on the music scene playing feverishly energetic tunes with both garage rock and post punk influences. In 2009, they recorded a 6-track EP and a video for their "Dance Angst, Dance..."   Victor Hanning gets personal in this intimate discussion. After such a long time away from the public eye, Victor’s story of redemption will be a breath of fresh air for anyone who needs to know there is a way out of their dark place. Sometimes it requires embracing radical change.   Share this episode with three rock