An Interview With Melissa Llarena

73. Former Professional Cyclist and Lifetime Entrepreneur Kevin Miller on Starting Your Self-Employment Journey



Several former corporate executives have recently found themselves self-employed. For some, it’s been a dream long-time coming. Yet for others, it’s been anything but a dream. The ups, downs, and pace are different than working for someone else and that is why I wanted to interview a lifetime entrepreneur who has started 14 businesses, Kevin Miller.  Listen in for his battleground-tested perspective on the price of striving all the time as well as his perspective having been raised in a home where he saw his dad build several businesses. After tuning into this episode, you will realize that in reality, you don’t have to do it alone and that everyone else has felt like you do at some point of their entrepreneurial journey as well.  The best part about this chat is that Kevin’s perspective sheds light on the benefits of sharing your journey with others – especially your kids. Here’s more about Kevin Miller. He has devoted himself to unearthing the root issues of positive, personal change, and motivating people