Lyme Voice Radio, Discussing Your Lyme Disease Journey With Aaron & Sarah Sanchez

131 Living in Alignment with Emily Wishall



What does it mean to Live In Alignment physically and emotionally? It's about truly inhabiting your body, noticing your own patterns of behavior and beliefs. And is where it gets good...anchoring yourself into the PRESENT and finding PEACE within your BODY.Emily knows what it is like to feel insecure, ashamed, tired, overweight, & constricted in your body. Because of her own story, Emily is passionate about supporting women through the path from disliking their bodies to loving their bodies. Through her own journey & transformation, she is able to better understand and help her clients overcome their own limitations in a much shorter time.Talking Points:-How HATING my body was my GREATEST gift.-Embodiment work.-Healing isn't linear.-Body love.-Rolfing structural practice.-Connecting to your TRUE ESSENCE, and not holding yourself back.-Learning to track the physical sensations in your body with CURIOSITY.-What we resist...PERSISTS.-FEELING your way through-Pain vs. sensation (Is there somet