Mile After Mile Podcast

62: Debbie Gomberg



Today’s guest is triathlete and race director for the Huntington’s Disease triathlon here in Miami Debbie Gomberg We learn how Debbie got her personal start in triathlon. Debbie teaches us about Huntington’s Disease and shares her personal connection. We chat about why and how she chose producing a triathlon for a fundraiser. I share my favorite thing about the race; Huntington’s Disease Triathlon and Debbie shares her favorite thing. We talk about why the date of the race has changed in 2020. The new date is in February which is the start of our triathlon season in Miami. We share details of the race held by the Miami Zoo at Larry and Penny Thompson Park.  We chat about the challenges of promoting races over 3 decades Debbie shares the story of Josh who is a participant in the Huntington’s Disease triathlon - he races with the disease.    Here’s how you can find Huntington’s Disease Triathlon online.  To register you can go directly here: