Mile After Mile Podcast

94: Mike Ergo



Episode 94 of the Mile after Mile Podcast features Mike Ergo. Mike Ergo is a co-host of the podcast Age Groupies and he is an accomplished triathlete.  We start his story with growing up in San Francisco and a few endurance local events including the world famous Bay to Breakers event.  After high school Mike enlisted in the US Marine Corps. This is a significant element in his passion for endurance sports.  Mike shares how some of his combat experience, how he felt coming home. He shares his personal story of PTSD and substance abuse when he came home. He’s very open about the personal struggles dealing with survivor’s guilt and trying to find his way forward.  Mike’s path lead him to study to become a therapist and a counselor which is what he does today. He shares this story of the steps that had to come together to make this journey possible.  We talk openly about how he got into therapy, how he got sober, how he found his way through. In 2014 Mike Ergo was in Hawaii as a tourist and he saw a portion of t