Mile After Mile Podcast

A bumpy road to becoming an Ironman Triathlete



My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Corey Harrington. Corey and I connected on Facebook which is how we do things in 2020.    Corey shares with us where he calls home and some of his adventures before he was chasing Ironman Triathlon. Corey was a professional baseball player and we do talk about that because it’s not everyday that I get to interview a former pro athlete. Corey raced Ironman Florida which was the only full Ironman to happen in the US in 2020. We talk about that and his training.  Part of Corey’s path to Ironman includes beating a long time opioid abuse cycle. Corey had kept this personal story to himself but he hopes that by sharing his journey he can inspire others along the way.  There is a strong connection between clean living or sobriety and endurance sports and we talk about that.  Corey takes us through his training. He trained almost entirely by himself.  We talk about his race day and how his race went.  I ask Corey if he now has the Ironman bug and whether he’ll do anot