Mile After Mile Podcast

Florida XTreme Triathlon with Nikos Snyder



My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Nikos Snyder.  We talk about a long triathlon the Florida XTreme Triathlon.  We talk about how Nikos and I know each other.  You can listen to when I interviewed Fred Sommer a few weeks ago here How he heard about the race. How he trained for the Florida XTreme Triathlon. We chat about his support crew and how much gear he packed.  We hear highlights from all 3 days. The highs and lows.    You can follow Nikos on instagram @nikossnyder   Thank you Nikos for sharing your story with the listeners of the Mile after Mile Podcast.   The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at  Keep up with the host Amy Stone at Looking for Podcasting Gear? Here's what I use to record the Mile after Mile Podcast. These are affiliate links.  Audio Technica microphone Adjustable Mic Stand Headphones Editing Software from Audacity (it's free) Zoom video conferencing software (n