Mile After Mile Podcast

Ironman Hacks with Andrew Patterson



My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Andrew Patterson creator of the Ironman Hacks website. Andrew lives in Singapore. We chat about where he grew up and how he got from there to Singapore. We chat about how he got started in endurance sports and how he found his way to Ironman triathlon.  We chat about why he started the website  We talk about how it has been in Singapore during the Covid-19 pandemic. We talk about the popularity of triathlon in the part of the world where Andrew lives. He shares what the local races are. What the challenges are to race there and whether he thinks we’ll see more growth of the sport in that area. has a weekly newsletter that goes out each and every Friday. You can sign up at . You can also find Andrew on Instagram @andrewridesandruns  Andrew, Thank you for being my guest today on the Mile after Mile Podcast. _____________________ The Mile after Mile Podcast has a website you can find it at www.mileaftermi