Becoming Mature

#9 An Apology for Podcasting



Today Joel and I issue an apology. That’s right, an apology. Of course, what we mean by that and what you might be thinking are two very different things. Like all languages, English has words do double, triple, quadruple duty and more. The same is true of the word apology. It can mean an admission of error or an expression of regret. Or it could be used to describe a poor substitute for something, as in “he is a poor apology for an actor.” But the word has at least one other meaning as well. It can be used to express a formal justification for something. So an apology in this case would be a defense of our podcast. IOW, why is it that we feel to publish this podcast at all? And the answer lies in our ability or lack of it to know things as they really are apart from God’s revelation. Now in making this apology or defense of our conversations, Joel and I have to discuss some philosophy. But don’t let that word scare you off. I think you’ll find our treatment of some of our fundamental presuppositions to be