Becoming Mature

#11 Asking the Right Questions about Alcohol



Today Joel and I are tackling a subject that is often discussed but never, it seems, resolved. That is the question of alcohol. I’ve found this to be a hot topic where ever I’ve been because, on the one hand most see the dangers of alcohol and on the other there is no direct prohibition against it. So what are was a believers to think? Part of the problem, I think, is the inability of many to ask the right questions. If you ask the right questions, there is no guarantee that you’ll arrive at the right answers, but if you ask the wrong ones, then it’s nearly certain that you’ll be misled. So Joel and I approach this subject with the prayer that we’ll not only ask the right questions, but also draw conclusions strictly from the word of God so that may follow along and examine the evidence for yourself. So if you have ever wondered about this topic, or know someone who has (and by the way, that’s nearly all of us) then stay tuned for this lively discussion.