Becoming Mature

#12 Burning the Koran



This podcast was recorded shortly after Sept 11, 2010. As the day drew closer, a Florida pastor made the headlines with his promise to burn the Koran in protest. Then he said he wouldn’t. Then he said he would. Then others said if he didn’t they would. Everyone from the president on down has weighed in on this issue. But what is the biblical response. If we can’t trust the world to help us think this through…and we can’t…then we must seek supernatural revelation to help us know, not only what is right and wrong, but why it is right or wrong.  So Joel and I batted this topic around and I hope your thinking will be more enlightened for the time spent with us. This podcast was recorded shortly after Sept 11, 2010. As the day drew closer, a Florida pastor made the headlines with his promise to burn the Koran in protest. Then he said he wouldn’t. Then he said he would. Then others said if he didn’t they would. Everyone from the president on down has weighed in on this issue. But what is the biblical response. If