American Vampire

Episode 3 - Bella Swan Talks to Cacti ("Twilight" Chapters 9-16)



In this episode Briana and Sid discuss the middle third of "Twilight", Chapters 9 through 16. Topics include musings on what Bella's life in Phoenix was like, what the unique powers of the Twilight vampires have to do with American Christianity, and the ol' Lloyd Dobler problem of the thin line between "this is romantic" and "I'm calling the cops".  PS: Did you know that the "lion and the lamb" line we talk about in this episode isn't actually in the Bible? Neither did we! Apparently the closest you get is: "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." from Isaiah 11:6 (King James version bc we're classy).  PPS: Spoiler alert for that movie The Others I guess?