Aj Knits

Hard Boiled Eggs or "Riffing on a Theme"



Episode 38: Production scheduling Production What’s in My Teapot Materials Sourcing After 5 Production Gnome Socks By Spilly Jane I had a little progress on these this week. I’m in to the three color rows which include the tip of the gnomes beard, his shirt, and the main color. I have a feeling that my gauge is too loose. There aren’t any blatant holes but… I think in my quest to make sure my floats aren’t too tight I’ve over compensated and the stitches are too loose. For a bit of inspiration I took a look at Mary Scott Huff’s video for the Rockin’ Sock Club Where she discusses stranded color work. Can I just say that I love Mary? Her Sense of humor kills me! Do check out her blog on the exploding over head lighting. This is sooo something that would happen to me and I would be blogging / hiding under the dining room table as well. Don’t even get me started on the Laundry – cano. Right now my gnome socks are resting in my project pile. I have to decide whether or not the gauge