Minister's Toolbox

EP 64: How To Pray For The Sick Without Getting Sick Yourself!



I’ve got to tell you that of all pastoral responsibilities, expectations, and duties, praying for the sick was my least favorite thing to do as a young pastor. Theologically, my beliefs about healing were all over the map. The New Testament, on the other hand, is pretty aggressive on the subject. Jesus and his followers throughout Acts of the Apostles prayed for the sick and experienced extraordinary results. When I look around today, there is little evidence of physical healing taking place in churches irrespective of denominational background. [ctt_author author="1547" name="Casey Sabella" template="2" link="dRHt4" via="yes" nofollow="yes"]I realized that I did not have a clear, biblical view of praying for sick people. [/ctt_author] Leaders cannot pray the prayer of faith unless they believe God wants to heal the patient. The pastor or minister often plays a vital role in healing. If all you do when you visit the sick in hospitals is make people comfortable to die, that is nice, but not what James had in m